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    Faculty Publications Science

    Faculty Publications Science

    Science - 2016


    Karwal P. Advances and Future Prospects in Improving Intravesical BCG Immunotherapy of Non-muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer. IJBBS 20162(1); 40-47.


    Yadav N, Pandey AK, Bhatnagar AK. Cryptic monoecy and floral morph types in Acer oblongum (Sapindaceae): an endangered taxon. Flora. 2016 Sep 1;224:183-90


    Sharma DK, Gupta A, Kumar S. A Study towards the evaluation of leaching behavior of zineb fungicide. International Journal of Environmental Sciences. 2016;6(5):726-36.


    Amit Mittal, Rajiv Aggarwal, Md. Sanam Suraj, Virender Singh Bisht (2016): Stability of libration points in the restricted four-body problem with variable mass. Astrophysics and Space Science, Springer 361 (10), 417-424.ISSN 1572-946X.

    Bhavneet Kaur, Rajiv Aggarwal, Sushil Yadav (2016): Perturbed Robe’s restricted problem of 2+2 bodieswhen the primaries form a Roche ellipsoidtriaxial system. Journal of Dynamical Systems and Geometric Theories, Taylor & Francis, 14(2), 99-117. ISSN : 2169-0057 (Online)

    Bhavneet Kaur, Rajiv Aggarwal, Sushil Yadav (2016): Perturbed Robe’s restricted problem of 2+2 bodies when the primaries form a Roche ellipsoid – Triaxial System. International Journal of Technology, 6(2), 150 – 160. ISSN: 2231-3915.

    Dinesh Kumar, Rajiv Aggarwal, Mamta Jain (2016): Combined effects of Finite Straight segment and Oblateness on the Libration Points in the Restricted – Three Body Problem. International Journal of Technology, 6(2), 185 – 190. ISSN: 2231-3915.

    Preeti Jain, Rajiv Aggarwal, Amit Mittal, Abdullah (2016): Periodic Orbits in the Photogravitational Restricted Problem When the Primaries Are Triaxial Rigid Bodies, International Journal of Astronomy and astrophysics, 6(1), 111-121. ISSN 2161-4725

    Shalini Thakur, Md. Sanam Suraj, Rajiv Aggarwal (2016): The Nonlinear Stability of L4 in the R3BP when the Smaller Primary is a Heterogeneous Spheroid. The Journal of the Astronautical Sciences, Springer, 64(1), 18-49. ISSN: 2195-0571.

    Sushil Yadav, Rajiv Aggarwal and Bhavneet Kaur (2016): Resonance in the perturbations of a synchronous satellite due to angular rate of the earth-moon system around the sun and the earth’s rotation rate. International Journal of Advanced Astronomy, 4 (2), 68-75. ISSN: 2312-7414

    Vinay Kumar, Beena R Gupta, and Rajiv Aggarwal (2016): Numerical Investigation of a Star’s Trajectory in Binary Quasar System. Advanced Studies in Contemporary Mathematics, 26(3), 385 – 399. ISSN 1229-3067


    Goswami P. Proximity-induced Ferromagnetic Order in Graphene on Transition Metal Dichalcogenides. Mater. Sci. Eng. Adv. Res. 2016;1(3):18-21.

    Goswami P. Fermions on the low-buckled honey-comb structured lattice plane and classical Casimir–Polder force. International Journal of Modern Physics B. 2016 Jun 30;30(16):1650087.

    Verma V, Prakash H. Standard quantum teleportation and controlled quantum teleportation of an arbitrary N-qubit information state. International Journal of Theoretical Physics. 2016 Apr 1;55(4):2061-70.


    Seth RK, Zarin M, Khan Z, Seth R. Ionizing radiation as a phytosanitary treatment against Phenacoccussolenopsis (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae). Florida Entomologist. 2016 Nov 20;99(6):76-87.

    Seth R, Zarin M, Khan Z, Seth RK. Towards phytosanitary irradiation of Paracoccusmarginatus (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae): Ascertaining the radiosensitivities of all life stages. Florida Entomologist. 2016 Nov 20;99(6):88-101.

    Seth R, Zarin M, Khan Z, Seth RK. Phytosanitary irradiation against Maconellicoccushirsutus (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae). Florida Entomologist. 2016 Nov 20;99(6):102-13.

    Hofmeyr H, Indarwatmi M, Seth R, Zhan G. Development of a generic radiation dose for the postharvest phytosanitary treatment of mealybug species (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae). Florida Entomologist. 2016 Nov 20;99(6):191-6.

    Kayesth S, Gupta KK. An assessment of antifeedant potential and cidal activity of plant extracts on fifth instar nymphs of red cotton bug, DysdercuskoenigiiFab.(Heteroptera: Pyrrhocoridae). Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies. 2016;4:416-22.

    Tyagi C, Singh A, Singh IK. Mechanistic insights into mode of action of rice allene oxide synthase on hydroxyperoxides: An intermediate step in herbivory-induced jasmonate pathway. Computational biology and chemistry. 2016 Oct 1;64:227-36.(doi:10.1016/j.compbiolchem.2016.07.002

    Singh A, Singh S, Singh IK. Recent insights into the molecular mechanism of jasmonate signaling during insect-plant interaction. Australasian Plant Pathology. 2016 Apr 1;45(2):123-33.(doi: 10.1007/s13313-015-0392-1)

    Ngasainao M.R, Lukram I.M. A Review on Melatonin and its prospects in Fish Aquaculture. Research and Review: Journal of Zoological Sciences.

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