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    Internal Complaints' Committee (ICC)
    Deshbandhu College

    Report of activities conducted in 2024.


    Deshbandhu College is a zero tolerance zone for sexual harassment

    Internal Complaints' Committee (ICC) of Deshbandhu College was formed under the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace, Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal Act, 2013, (Hereinafter referred to as the Act). The Act provides protection against sexual harassment of women at workplaces and for the prevention and redressal of complaints of sexual harassment. This Act was adapted by the UGC to be followed by institutions of higher learning. Deshbandhu College follows UGC Regulations 2015 regarding Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal of Sexual Harassment of Women Employees and students in Higher Educational Institutions.

    The Act asserts that, no woman shall be subject to sexual harassment at any workplace.
    As per the Act, sexual harassment includes any one or more of the following unwelcome acts or behaviour (whether directly or by implication) namely:

    • Physical contact and advances
    • A demand or request for sexual favour
    • Making sexually coloured remarks
    • Showing pornography
    • Any other unwelcome physical, verbal or non-verbal conduct of sexual nature.

    The following circumstances, among other circumstances, if occur or is present in relation to or connected with any act or behaviour of sexual harassment may amount to sexual harassment:

    • Implied or explicit promise of preferential treatment in her employment
    • Implied or explicit threat of detrimental treatment in her employment
    • Implied or explicit threat about her present or future employment
    • Interference with her work or creating an intimidating or offensive or hostile work environment for her; or Humiliating treatment likely to affect her health or safety.

    Complaints of Sexual Harassment: Any aggrieved woman/victim may make, in writing a complaint of sexual harassment at workplace to the ICC.

    ICC is a quasi- judicial body formed and work independently to work towards prevention of sexual harassment and handle complaints, if any following proper procedures Anyone found guilty shall be punished in accordance with the UGC Regulations 2015, in this regard. ICC, Deshbandhu College consists of the following members.

    Name Phone No. E-mail ID
    Chairperson Dr. Surabhi Dhingra 9891091166 sdhingra@db.du.ac.in
    External Counsel Dr. Chandrika Gulati 9910227878 cgulati@db.du.ac.in
    Teaching MembersMr. Irengbam Rocky Mangangcha 9999802419 irmangangcha@db.du.ac.in
    Dr. Vineeta Kashyap 9711144240 vkashyap@db.du.ac.in
    Non-Teaching Members Mr. Jagmohan Kaushik 9810511865 aodbc@db.du.ac.in
    Ms. Sushila Indumati Kullu 9717281790 dbcindu@gmail.com
    Student Members Mr Nikhil Garg 8595167871 Gargnikhil20024@gmail.com
    Ms Aaditi Kumari 9798416860 aaditi05110@gmail.com
    Ms. Bhumika Arora 9729630264 bhumika.27arora@gmail.com

    ICC, Deshbandhu College is committed to creating the College a sexual harassment free institution and to promote gender sensitivity among students and teaching and non-teaching faculty. Therefore, it has proactively undertaken various programmes and activities delineated below for gender sensitization and awareness.

    • Quarterly Meetings of 2024

    • Date : 7th February, 2024
    • Remarks : First Quarterly meeting of ICC held on 7th February, 2024 in the Committee Room
    • The new head of the institution, Prof. Rajendra Kumar Pandey was apprised about the working of the ICC at Deshbandhu College. All members were present.

      Events Organized by ICC

      • Why are we still talking about Feminism?

        on November 28, 2023


      • Prof. Varsha Baweja
      • Dr. Vandana Mathur
      • Dr. Manish Kumar

      Internal Complaints Committee in collaboration with the college Women Development Cell and Gender Champions organized a symposium on a very pertinent topic " Why are we still talking about Feminism?" in the college auditorium on November 28, 2023.The erudite speakers were the College faculty, Prof Varsha Baweja (Zoology) , Dr Vandana Mathur (English) and Dr Manish Kumar (Political Science). They talked about women centric issues from their subject point-of-view. All agreed that though enough has already been spoken about and sounds clichéd when one talks about gender and women empowerment, yet more concern and sensitivity required in making college campuses and society gender just.

      • Gender Sensitization

        on 24 April 2023


      • Dr. Preeti Gupta Dewan
      • Dr. Sangita
      • Prof. Manisha Senger
      • Dr. Suvritta Khatri:

      ICC with POSH Awareness group organized a program on gender sensitization on 24th of April in the College auditorium. It was attended by a houseful of students and faculty.

      • Acid Attack : Laws and Role of Civil Society

        on 14 Feb 2023


      • Advocate Shakeel Ahmad
      • Deshbandhu College ICC and Deshbandhu Dramatics Society in association with Delhi Legal Services authority presented an awareness session on Acid Attack:Laws and Role of Civil Society. Speaker apprised the audience on laws relating to violence against women. Team ICC advised girls to be more vigilant and boys to be more humane. It emphasized social responsibility in rehabilitation of acid attack survivors. Awaz Uthao, a nukkad natak courtesy EDLSA watched by a large number of students and faculty indeed was an eye opener. It focused on the importance of a firm no in the first instance of Harassment. Remember Phone No.1516 for immediate help for acid attack victims.

      • Workshop on Prevention of Sexual Harrassment at Workplace

        on 31 Jan 2023


      • Dr Chandrika Gulati
      • Dr. Surabhi Dhingra
      • Deshbandhu College Team ICC was invited by Vivekanand College to conduct a workshop on Prevention of Sexual Harrassment at Workplace. Along with the convenor Dr Chandrika Gulati and member Dr. Surabhi Dhingra, a another batch of students trained on The PoSH Act (Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace Act) explained the details to students of Vivekananda College through theatrical performance. ICC at Deshbandhu College encourages students to be proactive torch-bearers on ZERO TOLERANCE towards sexual harassment wherever it exists.

      • Posh Act- Expected Behaviour in College

        on 14th December 2022


      • ICC has created a POSH Awareness Group consisting of students and faculty that is trained on nuances of the POSH Act for further spreading awareness in the College under Train the Trainers Program. The program held on December 14,2022 was largely conducted by students from this Posh Awareness Group as orientation for first year students. The new students were explained how to conduct themselves in the College for safe, free and respectful stay in the College. The session was presented through theatrical performances.

      • Feminine Hygiene

        on 30th November 2022


      • Ms Akarshika Sharma
      • On November 30,2022 as part of its gender sensitization drive, ICC organized a program on Feminine Hygiene in which State President of Delhi Youth and Empowerment Council, Ms Akarshika Sharma highlighted the importance of feminine hygiene and clean toilets. Through various environment friendly artifacts she also focused on safe use of public toilets and safe disposal of waste.

      • Poster Release on International Day for Elimination of Violence Against Women

        on 25th November 2022

        ICC released a poster on the occasion of International Day for Elimination of Violence Against Women. ICC follows the UN in believing that sexual harassment of women constitutes violence against women and is a violation of their right to equality and right to live with dignity. ICC is firm in its resolve to create harassment free campus and generating respect for all women.

      • Our safety is In Your Gender Sensitivity: Zero Tolerance to Sexual Harassment

        on 1sth November 2022


      • Salamrit Virk
      • On November 1, 2022, the ICC along with POSHCA(NGO) presented a session on ‘Our safety is In Your Gender Sensitivity: Zero Tolerance to Sexual Harassment’. The Posh Awareness Group of the students and teachers created videos on the POSH Act and presented in this program. The POSHCA volunteers and students of Shikshantar School presented skits on the POSH Act.

      • Gender Sensitivity: Roles and Responsibilities

        on 2nd July 2022 Online


      • Dr. Surabhi Dhingra
      • On July 2, 2022 in collaboration with the Vidya Vistar Scheme of the College, ICC organized a program on Gender Sensitivity: Roles and Responsibilities with Dr. Surabhi Dhingra, Founder President of POSHCA as the main speaker. In an interactive session students and faculty across Colleges, audience were explained various aspects of the POSH Act. Through interjections gender sensitization as a prelude to empowered women was highlighted.

      • Gender Just Society Tomorrow

        on March 8, 2022


      • Dr. Nirupama Singh Dhar
      • Ms Aleena Varghese K

      On the occasion of International Day of the Women, ICC organized a program on Gender Sensitivities Today: Gender Just Society Tomorrow on March 8, 2022. Dr. Nirupama Singh Dhar of FRF and Ms Aleena Varghese K of the Gender Lab spoke on how creating a gender just society was vital to bringing a sea change in lives of women. Gender sensitization from an early age along with education was important for sexual harassment free societies.

      • Prevention of Sexual Harassment: Do’s and Don’ts in College Life

        on 25th October 2021 Online


      • Ms Madhu Saini

      On November 25, 2021, ICC organized an online talk on Prevention of Sexual Harassment: Do’s and Don’ts in College Life on Zoom platform as orientation for first year students by Ms Madhu Saini, Advocate Delhi High Court. She explained to students the various aspects of the POSH Act and consequences of indecent behaviour in the college on future life of the students.

      • Societal Transformation: Freedom and Online Safety

        on 4th October 2021 Online


      • Ms Nishtha Gautam, Senior Editor (Opinions) the Quint
      • Ms Pratishtha Arora, Co-Founder Social Media Matters

      The first speaker talked about basic freedoms denied to women, that women rights are human rights. The second speaker talked importance and measures to keep oneself safe online in a digitised world.

      • Understanding Modern Women Prism of Ancient Wisdom

        on 8th March 2021 Online


      • Ms Annu Kalra, Spiritually Inspired Author, Artist and Guide

      The speaker Ms Annu Kapoor explained how the challenges of modern life could be addressed by reference to ancient Indian knowledge

      • International Webinar on Empowering Women: A World View

        on 4th September 2020 Online


      • Ms Phuntshok Tshering Chodden, Director, Bhutan Networking for Empowering Women
      • Ms ShuchitaSonalika, Director and Head, CII, North America
      • Dr. Sunita Kishor, Director, DHS at ICF, USA

      The speakers talked about global gender inequalities and discrimination against women and steps to ensure a gender just society

      • Webinar on Gender Sensitivity: Best Practices to Follow

        on 15th July 2020 Online


      • Ms Varsha Jain- (Head-Legal, Nutrition, HUL)
      • Dr Priya Sepaha: legal expert- Founder and Director at Law Colloquy/ trainer/YouTuber/Author)
      • Team Nahi means No- an NGO

      This webinar was presented through online platform, Zoom and livestreamed through the Facebook. Participants from all over India and from neighbouring Bhutan attended the webinar and E-certificates were given to participants from all over North India.

      • Symposium on Sexual Harassment

        on 22nd January 2020 at Dronacharya College, Gurugram

      Conducted by Dr Surabhi Dhingra on what preventive steps the ICC can take to keep a college campus free of harassment.Deshbandhu ICC student members enacted short situations explaining what is construed as sexual harassment in college


        on 8th November 2019 at Deshbandhu College

        Conducted by Col. Rohit Mishra. This ICC event was organised with POSHCA (an NGO empanelled with Ministry of Women and Child Development) to teach self-defence techniques to students of Deshbandhu College especially girls

      • POSHCA awareness on Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace Act

        on 4th November 2019 at Deshbandhu College

        Conducted by Dr Meenu Kamboj (Department of Commerce, Deshbandhu College) and POSHCA volunteers of Deshbandhu College for the faculty and students of Kurukshetra University

      • Deshbandhu College signed an MoU with the Abdul Jamil Poverty Action Lab South Asia (JPAL-SA) at the Institute of Financial Management and Research ( IFMR)

        started in October 2019 at Deshbandhu College

        Deshbandhu College signed an MoU with the Abdul Jamil Poverty Action Lab South Asia (JPAL-SA) at the Institute of Financial Management and Research ( IFMR) for collaborating on the project “Tackling Sexual Harassment: Evidence from India”. The project aims to understand students knowledge and attitudes towards sexual harassment and identify gaps in the same if any to close the gaps through awareness trainings.

        Under the ongoing project, the principal investigator Ms Karmini Sharma from University of Warwick, United Kingdom, surveyed students on their attitudes and awareness in two rounds of surveys. Due to the pandemic these surveys are now being carried online. The project will inform policies of the ICC to help promote a thriving and safe campus for students and faculty started in Oct 2019.

      • Fighting Crime: Fighting Patriarchy

        on 23rd September 2019 at Vivekanand Hall, Deshbandhu College


        • Ms. Vijayanta Arya: IPS, DCP, Northwest Delhi

        The perspective shared by her was about the practical on-ground challenges she personally faces being a woman working long hours. Apart from this, she also touched upon women who are victims of domestic violence and the stigma they face at-home and outside.

      • Programme on Sexual Harassment of women at Workplace and Gender Sensitization

        on 18th September 2019 at Vivekanand Hall, Deshbandhu College


        • Ms Swati Maliwal

        Ms Swati Maliwal (Chairperson of Delhi Commission for Women) focussed on human trafficking, the misuse of the massage parlours in Delhi and action taken, the She-Box for filing a complaint in case if sexual harassment

      • Awareness Session on Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace Act, 2013

        on 3rd September 2019 at DeenDayal Upadhyay College, University of Delhi

        Conducted by Dr Surabhi Dhingra and student volunteers of Deshbandhu College

      • One day Training Programme for ICC members explaining the nuances of complaint handling

        on 20th August 2019 at POSHCA, Gurugram

        Conducted by Senior faculty and lawyer, Mr B R Sachdeva

      • An MOU was signed between Deshbandhu College and POSHCA (NGO empanelled with Ministry of Women and Child Development)

        July 2019 to 2020

        The MOU was to help spread awareness on the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace Act (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) 2013.The students of Deshbandhu College were to be trained to understand the nuances of the law. They were then to help spread the awareness in other institutions. The college and POSHCA were to publicize this work done on all social media handles.
        During the course of the year, POSHCA collaborated with ICC to help spread awareness on the Act.Regular sessions were taken with some faculty members and a group of student volunteers to help them understand the law and be able to answer questions that the audience was likely to ask. The activities are enumerated in the list of activities undertaken by ICC during the said the period.
        It was a fruitful journey where our students were actually teachers for other universities and colleges.

      • Awareness session on sexual Harassment at Workplace

        on 11th Februrary, 2019 at Deshbandhu College

        The awareness session on sexual Harassment at Workplace was organized  by Dr. Surabhi Dhingra, Founder President POSHCA and ICC Chairperson, Dr Chandrika Gulati for students and faculties of Deshbandhu College. They spoke on various aspects of The Act.

      • Workshop on Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition, and Redressal) Act, 2013

        on 22nd November 2018 at Jawaharlal Nehru University

        This workshop was attended by Dr Chandrika Gulati (Chairperson, ICC) and Ms Seema Malhotra who was then the External Counsel (from an NGO) on our ICC.
        The entire Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace Act, 2013 was explained with special reference to educational institutions.

      • Gender Sensitization

        on 25th October 2018 at Vivekananda Hall Deshbandhu College


        • Ms. Ira Singhal (IAS)
        • Dr. Sanjeev Kaushal- Poet

      • An Interactive Session on Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplaces

        on 6th April 2018 at Deshbandhu College


        • Ms Seema Malhotra (Founder Director of Scope Plus)
        • Ms Sheetal Raghuvanshi (Advocate Delhi High Court)
        • Dr. Surabhi Dhingra (Founder President of Poshca)

        The speakers dealt at length about the nuances of the Act, and through video clips explained to the audience what constituted sexual harassement and how to approach ICC. The students also pledged to desist from unacceptable acts or behavior. The programme was very well received by the students and faculty of Deshbandhu College.

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